Custom Context
Erine advanced let's you implement a custom context for your commands.
Create your class
const { Context } = require("erine");
class CustomContext extends Context {
get branch() {
return "advanced"
Add your class into the client constructor
const { Erine } = require('erine'); // for TypeScript use: import { Erine } from 'erine';
const bot = new Erine({
auth: "Bot BOT TOKEN HERE",
gateway: {
intents: [...intents]
context: CustomContext
Use it in your commands
const { Maker, Command } = require("erine");
class Branch extends Maker {
@Command({ name: "branch", aliases: ["version"] })
async ping(context) {
await context.send("Erine branch: " + context.branch);
module.exports = { data: Branch }; // Important to export the class as "data".