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Load commands, events and interactions with Erine Loader.

Loading commands

Use CommandBuilder and GroupBuilder classes.

const { CommandBuilder, FileModule, GroupBuilder } = require("erine");

/** @type {FileModule[]} */
module.exports["data"] = [{
data: new CommandBuilder({
name: "ping",
description: "Sends pong."
code: async function(ctx) {
await ctx.send("PONG!");
data: new GroupBuilder({
name: "bot",
description: "Bot commands."
data: new CommandBuilder({
name: "info",
description: "Shows bot information."
code: async function(ctx) {
// ... do something

Loading events

You must use the EventBuilder class.

const { EventBuilder, Events } = require("erine");

const data = {
data: new EventBuilder({
name: Events.ClientReady,
code: async function(bot) {
console.log("Client started, name:", bot.user.username);

module.exports = { data };

Loading interactions

You must use InteractionBuilder class.

const { InteractionBuilder, Interactions } = require("erine");

const command = {
data: new InteractionBuilder({
name: "customID",
type: Interactions.Button
code: async function(interaction) {
interaction.reply("Button reply.");

module.exports = { data: command };

All commands, events and interactions must be inside the folder declared in Erine#load.